Saturday, February 6, 2010

Valentine crayons

Every year for Valentine's for school classes I usually end up buying store bought Valentines because I am in a hurry. I make my own cards for heavens sakes and I can't find time to make their cards for their classes? Sadly I don't. This year I started early with a little help from Artco and my sister. Artco is a wedding invitation printing company. There is an office in Rexburg Idaho and they sell paper and envelopes by the pound. Yea, it is soooo cheap! Thanks to Patrese and her great idea to use some tiny 3"x3" spiral bound notebooks for Valentines for her girls, I had to copy her! They were 5¢ a piece and they were perfect colors for valentines. I thought we could find some valentine pencils to go with them and decorate the front of the notebook. I was blog hopping when I found this post We have been saving broken crayons since Dallin started school and brought home a box of broken crayons from Kindergarten. Every year the kids bring home their supplies, and the crayons go in a certain rubbermaid for later. I was at IKEA and ran across ice cube trays that were heart shaped. PERFECT!!! We will use them for the molds. They are silicone type plastic and will pop right out. Today I started peeling all of the crayons and was a little overwhelmed at the amount of crayons we had! I rallied the troops and their pocket knives. This container was all the way full when we started. We used pocket knives to cut longways down the crayon wrapper to cut it open and Tate and Tyson peeled the wrappers off easily. I thought we could take a few handfuls and melt them in tin bowls on the grill and then pour them into the molds with the colors all swirled together, but still slightly separate to make different colors when you color. Well, we were wrong! The colors all melted together and made this brown color. Paul and I thought we would just pour them into the hearts and the kids could have them to color with. When we popped them out, they looked like heart shaped chocolates! So cute! We got our mini muffin tins and broke up crayon pieces into the tins like the blog did except we melted them on the grill. We were able to make these a little more colorful for Tyson's preschool class. I was afraid the little kids would try and eat the chocolate looking ones. For the colored crayons I Made a note that says "Have a COLORFUL Valentine's Day" and the chocolate heart looking crayons have a this poem on their note: Chocolate is tasty, Chocolate is yummy, But this Chocolate is not to be put in your tummy! This Chocolate is waxy, and looks really yummy, but please don't eat it, or you will feel crummy! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! All in all these took a long time but it was fun to spend the day with the kids doing something together. Gotta love those kids! Hope you all have a Happy Valentines Day!


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